The World's
Largest Catnip Producer
The World's
Largest Catnip

Spearmint Oil

Believed to have been imported to North America from Scotland, hence its name. Most notably used in mint candies, tooth paste, and chewing gum.

Catnip Herb and Oil

Dried Catnip herb is used primarily in the pet toy industry, but is also used in herbal teas and as a component in natural insect repellant.

Dillweed Oil

Its primary use is in flavoring for pickles, but is also used in various other food flavorings, as well as soaps, perfumes, creams, and detergents.
Infused with the Vitality of  Rocky Mountain Waters
From the heart of the Rockies, our herbs are sustained by nature's purest source.

State-of-the-Art Oil-Extraction

A combination of “continuous flow” extraction methods and a computerized monitoring and recording system allow for an efficient and consistent quality control.

History, Commitment

LTAC is a fifth generation family farm located near the town of Bow Island, in South Eastern Alberta.  From initial beginnings of a dryland grain farm in the early 1900's, LTAC is now a major essential oil and herb producer utilizing pivot irrigation and advanced agricultural practices.  LTAC is certified and annually audited by the Good Agricultural and Collection Practices (GACP) food safety program, as well as being both Kosher and Halal certified.
We welcome your inquiries and are excited to discuss how we can meet your needs. Please note that we specialize in bulk orders only. Reach out to us to learn more about our offerings and how we can assist you.
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